Post Free Market Economy (PFME)
- Premise: Present system does not work
- 50% of workers unemployed or underemployed, present system can not employ them
- Economy and man in conflict with nature (global warming, polluted waters contaminated food chain)
- The unjust distribution of wealth can trigger Apocalypse
Guiding principles of change
- Non violent, retain elements needed for incentive Greed, redistribute Wealth, retain private property
- 11th commandment; subjugate the private interest to the common good
- Life liberty and the pursuit of compassionate happiness
- Money alone can not create wealth
- Reduce efficiency, divide the existing jobs among all the people who want to work
The PFME, the Self Sustaining Compassionate Community, SSCC
- Hybrid political system, a mixture of Democracy and planned economy
- Self sustaining community, shares in collective ownership
- Agriculture, industrial and service component
- Industrial activity suitable for the community scale competitive in quality and price e.g. PV systems, batteries, product assembly
- Take over functions of medicare and healthcare
- Take over aspects of self governing, order and safety
Form a sample community and offer it as a franchise SSCCF
- Starting size about 1000 households
- $50 million initial capital
- 5000 acres of land
- Starting industry in energy, PV systems
- Annual revenue of the community $50 million to $100 million
- Get some funding from government, for giving up unemployment and taking care of the ill and elderly (about $50000 per household, total $50 million)
Mondragon the cooperative manufacturing formula
- Employee ownership, $20 billion sales, 80,000
- Job creator
- Limits on salary scale about 5 to 1
- Operates according to the rules of free market
- Forced to be competitive
- Primary drive is efficiency, minimize labor content
- No solution to post free market